A Step-by-Step Guide To Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe

Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe

BY:-modern plates


If you're a fan of hearty, comforting meals, then homemade Golubtsy-stuffed cabbage rolls are a must-try! This classic dish combines tender cabbage leaves with a flavorful filling, resulting in a dish that's both satisfying and nutritious. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of making these delicious rolls, providing not only the recipe but also nutritional information and some interesting insights.

    A Step-by-Step Guide To Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe

    Why make homemade Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls:

    Flavor Control:

    • When you make golubtsy at home, you have complete control over the ingredients and flavors. Adjust the seasoning, spice level, and filling composition to suit your taste preferences. This ensures a personalized and satisfying dining experience.

    Fresh and Wholesome Ingredients:

    • Homemade golubtsy allows you to choose the quality of the ingredients. You can opt for fresh, organic, or locally sourced produce, ensuring a wholesome and nutritious meal for you and your family.


    • One of the joys of cooking at home is the ability to customize recipes. Whether you have dietary restrictions, allergies, or simply want to experiment with different ingredients, making golubtsy from scratch gives you the freedom to tailor the recipe to your liking.

    Culinary Skill Development:

    • Crafting golubtsy involves various cooking techniques, from blanching cabbage leaves to creating a flavorful filling and assembling the rolls. By preparing this dish at home, you have the opportunity to enhance your culinary skills and gain confidence in the kitchen.

    Authentic Cultural Experience:

    • Golubtsy is deeply rooted in Eastern European culinary traditions. Making it at home allows you to connect with this cultural heritage, creating a sense of authenticity and appreciation for the dish's historical significance.


    • Homemade meals are often more cost-effective than dining out or purchasing pre-made dishes. Buying ingredients in bulk and utilizing pantry staples can result in substantial savings, making homemade golubtsy a budget-friendly option.

    Family Bonding:

    • \Cooking together can be a wonderful bonding experience for family and friends. Making golubtsy is a collaborative process that involves various steps, providing an opportunity to share kitchen tasks and create lasting memories.

    Healthier Alternative:

    • Homemade golubtsy allows you to control the amount of salt, sugar, and fat in the dish, promoting a healthier meal option compared to some pre-packaged or restaurant versions. You can also experiment with leaner meat or vegetarian alternatives to suit your dietary goals.

    Satisfaction of Achievement:

    • There's a unique sense of satisfaction that comes from creating a dish from start to finish. The aroma filling your kitchen and the joy of serving a homemade meal can be immensely gratifying.


    • 1 large head of cabbage
    • 1 lb ground meat (beef, pork, or a mix)
    • 1 cup cooked rice
    • 1 onion, finely chopped
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 can (15 oz) crushed tomatoes
    • 1 egg
    • 1/4 cup milk
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • 1 teaspoon paprika
    • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

    A Step-by-Step Guide To Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe


    1. Prepare the Cabbage Leaves:

    • Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
    • Carefully peel off the cabbage leaves and blanch them in the boiling water for 2-3 minutes until they become pliable.
    • Set aside to cool.

    2. Cook the Rice:

    • In a separate pot, cook the rice according to the package instructions.
    • Allow it to cool.

    3. Prepare the Filling:

    • In a skillet, sauté the chopped onion and garlic until translucent.
    • Add the ground meat and cook until browned.
    • Mix in the cooked rice, salt, pepper, and paprika.

    4. Assemble the Golubtsy:

    • Take a cabbage leaf, place a spoonful of the filling in the center, and roll it up, tucking in the sides.
    • Place the rolls seam-side down in a large baking dish.

    5. Prepare the Tomato Sauce:

    • In a bowl, mix crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, and chicken or vegetable broth.
    • Pour the sauce over the Golubtsy in the baking dish.

    6. Bake:

    • Cover the dish with foil and bake in a preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) for 45-50 minutes.

    7. Serve and Enjoy:

    • Once baked, let the Golubtsy cool for a few minutes before serving. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired.

    A Step-by-Step Guide To Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe

    Nutritional Information:

    These Golubtsy-stuffed cabbage rolls are not only delicious but also pack a nutritional punch. Here's a breakdown of the key nutritional components per serving (serving size: 2 rolls):

    • Calories: 350
    • Protein: 20g
    • Carbohydrates: 30g
    • Fat: 15g
    • Fiber: 5g
    • Vitamin A: 15% DV
    • Vitamin C: 45% DV
    • Iron: 20% DV

    More Information:

    Cabbage: A Nutrient-Rich Vegetable

    • Cabbage, the star of this dish, is a cruciferous vegetable known for its high nutritional value. It's an excellent source of vitamins K and C, and a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin B6. Including cabbage in your diet can contribute to better digestion and overall health.

    Golubtsy Around the World

    • While Golubtsy is a popular dish in Eastern Europe, variations of stuffed cabbage rolls can be found in many cuisines around the world. Each region adds its unique twist to the recipe, making it a versatile and globally appreciated comfort food.

    Tips for a Flavorful Twist

    • Feel free to experiment with the filling by adding ingredients like raisins, pine nuts, or a splash of vinegar for an extra layer of flavor. You can also substitute the meat with plant-based alternatives for a vegetarian version.

    Fun Facts About Golubtsy:

    Historical Roots:

    • Golubtsy has its origins in Eastern Europe and is a staple in Russian, Ukrainian, and Polish cuisines.


    • While the classic recipe uses ground meat, you can experiment with vegetarian versions using ingredients like mushrooms or lentils.

    Culinary Tradition:

    • Golubtsy is often associated with festive occasions and family gatherings, making it a cherished dish in cultural celebrations.
    • Benefits of Homemade Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls:

    Flavor Control:

    • Making golubtsy at home allows you to control the seasoning and flavors, ensuring that the dish aligns perfectly with your taste preferences.

    Nutritional Awareness:

    • You have the flexibility to choose wholesome ingredients, control portion sizes, and customize the recipe to meet your nutritional goals.

    Fresh Ingredients:

    • Using fresh and quality ingredients enhances the overall taste and nutritional value of the dish, providing a healthier alternative to some pre-packaged versions.

    Customization for Dietary Preferences:

    • Homemade golubtsy can be easily adapted to accommodate various dietary preferences, including vegetarian or vegan options, gluten-free, or low-carb alternatives.
    • Cost-Effective:
    • Cooking at home is often more cost-effective than dining out, especially when making dishes like golubtsy in larger quantities.

    Culinary Skill Development:

    • Crafting golubtsy involves various cooking techniques, offering an opportunity to enhance your culinary skills and learn new methods in the kitchen.

    Cultural Connection:

    • Making golubtsy at home allows you to connect with the cultural roots of the dish, providing a meaningful and authentic experience.
    A Step-by-Step Guide To Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe

    Tips for Making Homemade Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls:

    Choose the Right Cabbage:

    • Use a large, fresh cabbage for optimal leaf flexibility. Remove the core and blanch the whole head in boiling water to make it easier to peel off the leaves.

    Filling Consistency:

    • Ensure a well-balanced filling by combining ground meat with cooked rice and aromatic ingredients. This creates a flavorful and satisfying stuffing for the cabbage rolls.

    Proper Rolling Technique:

    • Place an appropriate amount of filling in the center of each cabbage leaf, then fold the sides over the filling before rolling from the bottom. This technique helps create neatly wrapped golubtsy.

    Use Toothpicks or Kitchen Twine:

    • Secure the cabbage rolls with toothpicks or kitchen twine to prevent them from unraveling during the cooking process.

    Layering in the Pot:

    • When arranging the golubtsy in the cooking pot, layer them snugly to prevent them from moving around. This ensures even cooking and allows the flavors to meld together.

    Experiment with Sauces:

    • Customize the tomato sauce by adding herbs, spices, or a touch of sweetness to suit your taste. This adds an extra layer of flavor to the golubtsy.

    Slow Simmering:

    • Allow the golubtsy to simmer on low heat for an extended period. This slow cooking process helps infuse the flavors and ensures tender cabbage rolls.

    Garnish Creatively:

    • Enhance the presentation and flavor by garnishing the golubtsy with fresh herbs like parsley or dill. A dollop of sour cream on top adds a delightful touch.

    Make Ahead:

    • Golubtsy often taste even better the next day. Consider making them in advance and reheating for a quick and delicious meal.

    People also ask:

    What is Golubtsy?

    Golubtsy is a traditional Eastern European dish consisting of cabbage leaves stuffed with a mixture of ground meat, rice, and various seasonings. It is then typically cooked in a savory tomato-based sauce.

    How do I prepare the cabbage leaves for Golubtsy?

    To prepare cabbage leaves for Golubtsy, carefully remove the outer leaves from a head of cabbage and blanch them in boiling water. This softens the leaves, making them pliable for stuffing. Once blanched, remove the leaves and trim the thick center rib for easier rolling.

    Can I make Golubtsy in advance?

    Yes, Golubtsy can be prepared in advance. After assembling the stuffed cabbage rolls, you can refrigerate them for up to 24 hours before cooking. This allows the flavors to meld, and it's a convenient option for busy schedules.

    Can I freeze Golubtsy for later use?

    Absolutely! Golubtsy freezes well. After assembling and cooking the cabbage rolls, let them cool completely before placing them in an airtight container or freezer bag. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. To reheat, thaw in the refrigerator overnight and then warm in the oven or on the stovetop.

    What are some creative variations of the traditional Golubtsy recipe?

    While the classic Golubtsy recipe features a filling of ground meat and rice, there are numerous creative variations. You can experiment with different grains like quinoa, use a mix of ground meats, or add vegetables like mushrooms for extra flavor. Additionally, some people enjoy adding a touch of herbs or spices to customize the taste to their liking.


    Homemade Golubtsy-stuffed cabbage rolls offer a comforting and nutritious meal that's easy to make. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a kitchen novice, this recipe is sure to become a favorite. Try it out, and let the rich flavors and wholesome ingredients make it a staple in your home. Happy cooking!

    Enjoy your Homemade Golubtsy-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls !😋

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