Easy-Peasy Homemade Waffles Recipe

Waffles Recipe


Welcome to the world of homemade goodness! If you're a breakfast enthusiast or just someone with a sweet tooth, you're in for a treat. In this blog post, we'll guide you through a delightful journey of making homemade waffles that are not only mouthwatering but also packed with nutritional goodness. From the ingredients to step-by-step instructions and even a breakdown of nutritional information, we've got you covered.

    Easy-Peasy Homemade Waffles Recipe

    Why Homemade Waffles?

    Before we dive into the recipe, let's talk about why homemade waffles are worth the effort. First and foremost, you have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring a healthier option compared to store-bought varieties. Plus, the aroma of freshly baked waffles wafting through your kitchen is an experience in itself. Trust us; your taste buds will thank you.


    • Tailor your waffles to suit your preferences, whether you prefer them crispy or soft, sweet or savory.

    No Hidden Ingredients:

    • Unlike store-bought mixes, homemade waffles allow you to control the quality of ingredients, avoiding preservatives and artificial additives.

    Family Fun:

    • Making waffles from scratch can be a delightful family activity, bringing everyone together in the kitchen.

    Don't Overmix:

    • Overmixing the batter can result in tough waffles. Mix until the ingredients are just combined.

    Properly Preheated Waffle Iron:

    • Ensure your waffle iron is thoroughly preheatedto achieve that perfect golden-brown crispiness.

    Experiment with Toppings:

    • Get creative with toppings! From fresh berries to a dollop of yogurt, the possibilities are endless.

    Make Ahead and Freeze:

    • Prepare a batch and freeze individual waffles for quick, convenient breakfasts during the week.


    • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 1 tablespoon baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 3/4 cups milk
    • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
    • 2 large eggs
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Easy-Peasy Homemade Waffles Recipe


    1. Preheat Your Waffle Iron:

    • Start by preheating your waffle iron according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    2. Combine Dry Ingredients:

    • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.

    3. Mix Wet Ingredients:

    • In another bowl, beat the eggs and then add the milk, vegetable oil, and vanilla extract. Mix well.

    4. Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients:

    • Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Be careful not to overmix; a few lumps are okay.

    5. Cook the Waffles:

    • Pour the batter onto the preheated waffle iron, spreading it evenly. Close the lid and cook until golden brown.

    6. Serve Warm:

    • Once cooked, serve the waffles warm with your favorite toppings, such as fresh fruit, maple syrup, or whipped cream.

    Nutritional Information:

    Note: Nutritional values may vary based on specific ingredients used.
    • Calories: 350
    • Total Fat: 16g
    • Saturated Fat: 3g
    • Trans Fat: 0g
    • Cholesterol: 100mg
    • Sodium: 650mg
    • Total Carbohydrates: 42g
    • Dietary Fiber: 1g
    • Sugars: 8g
    • Protein: 10g
    • Fiber: 1g
    • Calcium: 15% of the daily recommended intake
    • Iron: 10% of the daily recommended intake
    Easy-Peasy Homemade Waffles Recipe

    Benefits of Homemade Waffles:

    Control Over Ingredients:

    • Making waffles at home allows you to choose high-quality, wholesome ingredients, ensuring a healthier and more nutritious breakfast compared to store-bought alternatives.

    Customizable Flavors:

    • Homemade waffles are incredibly versatile. You can experiment with various flavor additions such as vanilla extract, cinnamon, or even grated citrus zest to create a personalized culinary experience.

    Healthier Alternatives:

    • Tailor the recipe to meet your dietary preferences. Use whole wheat or almond flour for added nutrients, and consider substituting sugar with natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup for a healthier option.

    Reduced Additives and Preservatives:

    • Homemade waffles eliminate the need for artificial additives and preservatives commonly found in pre-packaged options. You have full control over what goes into your batter, promoting a cleaner, more natural meal.


    • Making waffles at home can be more budget-friendly in the long run. The initial investment in basic ingredients may seem higher, but you'll likely get multiple servings from a single batch.
    Easy-Peasy Homemade Waffles Recipe

    Tips for Perfect Homemade Waffles:

    Preheat the Waffle Iron:

    • Ensure your waffle iron is adequately preheated before pouring the batter. This helps achieve that coveted crispy exterior while keeping the inside fluffy.

    Use Fresh Ingredients:

    • Opt for fresh and high-quality ingredients, especially eggs and dairy. Fresh ingredients contribute to better flavor and texture in the final product.

    Experiment with Toppings:

    • Take your waffles to the next level by experimenting with various toppings. Fresh berries, sliced bananas, chopped nuts, whipped cream, or even savory options like fried chicken can add an exciting twist.

    Don't Overmix the Batter:

    • Mix the wet and dry ingredients until just combined. Overmixing can result in dense waffles. A few lumps in the batter are perfectly fine and contribute to a lighter texture.

    Invest in a Good Waffle Iron:

    • A quality waffle iron can make a significant difference. Look for one with a non-stick surface, adjustable temperature settings, and easy cleaning features to simplify the cooking process.

    Serve Immediately:

    • Waffles are best enjoyed fresh off the iron. Serve them immediately to savor the crispy exterior and fluffy interior before they lose their ideal texture.

    Freeze Extra Waffles:

    • If you have leftovers, freeze them individually. Pop them in the toaster for a quick and convenient breakfast or snack on busy mornings.

    Get Creative with Shapes:

    • Use different molds or shapes for your waffles to make breakfast more fun, especially for kids. Heart-shaped or animal-shaped waffles can add a touch of creativity to your meal.

    People also ask:

    What ingredients do I need to make homemade waffles?

    To make delicious homemade waffles, you'll need flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, eggs, milk, and melted butter. You can also add vanilla extract for extra flavor.

    Can I make waffle batter ahead of time and refrigerate it overnight?

    Yes, you can prepare the waffle batter the night before and store it in the refrigerator. This allows the ingredients to meld and can save you time in the morning. Just give it a gentle stir before cooking.

    How do I achieve the perfect crispiness in homemade waffles?

    For crispier waffles, make sure your waffle iron is preheated properly. Use a little extra fat in the batter, and don't open the iron too soon. Allow the waffles to cook until golden brown and crispy.

    Can I substitute ingredients for a healthier version of homemade waffles?

    Yes, you can make healthier waffles by using whole wheat flour, reducing sugar, and using a low-fat milk alternative. You can also experiment with adding ingredients like oats, flaxseeds, or mashed bananas for added nutritional value.

    What is the best way to store and reheat leftover homemade waffles?


    Congratulations, you've just embarked on a culinary adventure that will undoubtedly become a breakfast favorite. With the aroma of homemade waffles filling your kitchen and the satisfaction of knowing exactly what's in your breakfast, there's no going back. Enjoy every crispy, golden bite!

    Enjoy your Homemade Waffles!😋

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